24x7 Chat Help
Ask brief research questions through this real-time chat service. When a UO library staff person is unavailable, you will be connected to a librarian from another institution.
Email a Question
We'll generally respond by the end of the next business day. Choose from the following:
- Research Questions, including database searching, finding or getting access to articles, citations, and instruction.
- Access and Borrowing Questions, including accounts, reserves, fines, and interlibrary loan.
- Special Collections Questions, including University Archives and rare books.
- Report A LibrarySearch Problem, including database access issues.
- Give Feedback
Schedule An Appointment
Meet with a librarian in-person at one of our libraries or online via Zoom for in-depth help with your research.
Get help in person
Knight Library
Visit the Checkout and Reserves Desk for questions about borrowing and renewing, fines, reserves, interlibrary loan, and library access during Knight Library hours.
Drop by the Help Desk for immediate help with finding library items or technology help.
Price Science Commons & Research Library (PSC)
Visit the Circulation Desk for questions about borrowing and renewing, science course reserves, and PSC's unique spaces during PSC hours.
Design Library
Visit the Circulation Desk for questions about borrowing and renewing, course reserves, and Design's spaces during Design Library hours.
John E. Jaqua Law Library
Visit the Checkout/Information Desk for questions about locating and requesting library materials, interlibrary loan, borrowing and renewing, loaner equipment, printing/copy /scan services, law reserves, and library access during Law Library Hours.
Portland Library
Visit the Service Desk for questions about research support, locating and requesting library materials, printing/copy/scan services, computers, loaner equipment, and library study rooms during service desk hours.
Get help by phone
Call the Checkout and Reserves Desk with questions about borrowing and renewing, fines, reserves, your account, and library access: 541-346-3065 during Knight Library open hours.
Call the Law Library Checkout/Information Desk: 541-346-3088 during Law Library Hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025 | Views: 6
Last Updated: Aug 23, 2024 | Views: 242