How do I request something through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?

How do I request something through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?


First, make sure you are logged into your Library Search account. Start by entering the book or article title you are looking for. If it is not owned by UO Libraries but still appears in the catalog, click on the resource and scroll down a little to the "Request from other libraries" section, where you will see two blue buttons that say "Get a physical copy" and "Get a digital chapter or article."

If there is no catalog entry for the item you need, click the three dots at the top of your LibrarySearch account page, and then click "Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request". This allows you to fill out a blank request form for the item you need and select the type as book/chapter/article. Please include title, author, year, and ISBN/ISSN when using the blank form to ensure you receive the correct item.

Author: Jennifer Alexander Updated: Jun 04, 2024 Views: 29

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